About Strategic Life Tools

Hi! My name is Trevor Lohrbeer.

I founded Strategic Life Tools to create tools that help people live their life with purpose. From training and templates to web apps, my goal is to help you create more time in your day, then use that time to develop plans to transform your life.

All of the tools were developed for myself or friends who were struggling with specific problems. They help me clarify my priorities, focus my efforts and use my time wisely. I hope they do the same for you.

Using these tools enabled me to sell my last company, buy a hot tub and take a 7 month vacation around Europe. I even started teaching dance because I had written it a few years earlier in my 10 Year Plan.

Bottom line: these aren’t just tools I’m building to make a quick buck. I’m the first customer of these tools. I’m building tools that allow me to continue to become more effective at living a strategic life. And I’m sharing them with you, so you can too.

If you have any questions or ideas about the site or any of the tools, please reach out and let me know.

In the meantime, I hope these tools can help you create a better life.

- Trevor Lohrbeer